Sunday, March 13, 2011

Security Camera Systems and CCTV Have Improved Dramatically Over the Years

There have been many advances in the security camera industry in the last few years. There have been improvements in many areas of the CCTV field, but recording devices, internet accessibility and the cost are the aspects that seem to draw the most attention from the public.
One of the key elements of a security camera system that has had recent improvement is how and where the video is recorded. Around a decade ago, all the footage from surveillance cameras was recorded by a VCR, on to VHS tapes. This method had limited video quality and was fairly cumbersome, requiring the tapes to be changed at regular intervals and a large amount of space to store them. Today the video footage from surveillance cameras are recorded on a Digital Video Recorder, or DVR. This type of recorder offers much more storage space by using large Hard Disk Drives and can be designed to overwrite the oldest saved files once the HDD is full. Because the information is saved digitally these DVRs also offer higher resolution images. This translates in to higher quality video and more versatility when handling the footage.
Recent advances in internet bandwidth has also greatly benefited the security camera industry. The fact that information can be transferred at much higher speeds over the internet means that digital video can be sent over it without losing quality. DVRs today are being designed with this in mind, they typically are built internet ready with an internet interface included. This allows users to log in from anywhere they can get to the internet to view their home, business or loved ones. These security camera DVR's also offer the ability to email you with a snap shot when they detect motion or the loss of video from one of your cameras. Accessing a DVR over the internet also allows the user to send recorded video footage around the world in minutes.
All of these advances in addition to many more in electronic in general mean that the price for a good security camera system has come down significantly in the last ten years. The price has actually dropped to the point where most small businesses and families can now afford one. An entry level system can easily be under a thousand dollars these days. Today's systems are capable of so much more then were a at the turn of the millennia and at a fraction of the cost.
The sales of security camera systems increased seven hundred percent from 1980 to 2000 and it's continuing to quickly rise. You've probably noticed that security cameras are becoming more and more common, some cities have them on every street corner. They've also been able to assist in solving thousands of criminal cases.

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